Nano crosses the Delaware into New Jersey
Eight more miles under our boots today, and an important 8 miles at that, since they were the last 8 miles of the AT in Pennsylvania. It was your standard rocky and flat PA trail, but there were several nice views scattered over the eight miles, which made it very enjoyable. We got a little bit of a late start because we relocated base camp. It's a bit surreal, because it's actually the last time we will relocate before we leave the AT for the season. I think I've been avoiding talking about this, because I'm actually quite sad that my 5 months of trail time is almost up. But, the winter weather is closing in upon us, and real world responsibilities, unfortunately, beckon us off the Trail. So not only were these the last 8 miles of PA, but they were some of the last miles of my adventure this season. More on my feelings about this to come. I tried not to think too much about it this afternoon and just enjoy the scenery.

PA Waterfall

A view of two states
We lolligagged a bit during our hike. Partly, I think, because it was quite cold and the chill slowed us down, and partly because we were trying to savor the day. It was gorgeous out, and you could see for miles at the vistas. We made it off of the PA ridgetop and across the Delaware River into New Jersey in about five hours. I'm not sure how I feel about New Jersey yet. The first thing we saw and walked on when we got into the state was a huge interstate. And it smelled like gasoline. Not exactly picturesque. But I'll give it a chance. The food here is good so far, at least. I had a tasty cheesesteak and hot fudge milkshake for dinner. PA was very beautiful, so I'm a little sad to leave it behind. But there are other states to be tackled.

Bye Bye, PA