Yesterday, we covered 13 miles from the Nantahala Outdoor Center to Stecoah Gap. It was a pretty short trip as far as mileage goes, so short that we planned on doing the entire stretch in one day and "slackpacking" (just taking tiny day packs rather than overnight gear) our way to the next rendezvous. We started out from the NOC in the late morning, and less than an hour into the hike I was very grateful for my tiny pack. The 13 miles we hiked yesterday were the most difficult 13 miles we've walked so far. I'm not sure if it was the 8 mile climb (yes, 8 miles of uphill without a reprieve) up Cheoah Bald followed by a treacherously steep descent or the fact that my stomach was very angry with me for some reason and I'm useless when I don't feel well. Whatever it was, it was an extremely difficult day. The weather was nice, though and it wasn't too hot, so it was a pleasant enough day to be out.

Passed several people yesterday, but no one we'd met before, and a couple of dogs. This is a pretty popular section of the AT for day hikes, so it's not surprising that it's a bit more crowded. Saw two snakes (one brown with stripes and one black with a yellow ring around its neck - can anyone identify what kind they are? If you can, let me know and I will reward you with a big hug next time I see you) and a black salamander. Daddy and I always like days when we see interesting critters besides each other. The landscape was pretty interesting as well - mostly ridges and very rocky terrain through dense forests. I swear you'd think you were in a jungle if you didn't know you were in the middle-of-nowhere North Carolina. Very pretty.
The place where we stayed last night had zero access to internet, so apologies for a post that's a day late. We even got to stay in a little hotel last night, which was wonderful. A real bed, a real shower, and ice cream! Can't beat that kind of treat.
The place where we stayed last night had zero access to internet, so apologies for a post that's a day late. We even got to stay in a little hotel last night, which was wonderful. A real bed, a real shower, and ice cream! Can't beat that kind of treat.
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