Old Railroad bridge relocated to the AT
Today's hike took us 12 miles further, but past a very important milestone. As of today, we officially have less than 1,000 miles to go to reach Maine. 1,000 miles sounds like a very long way. But not as long as it sounded before I walked the first 1,000. The hiking wasn't too difficult. There were some obstacles, like steep climbs and rocks, but nothing Rocksylvania hasn't shown us before.
Doing the PA Rockslide...
...to get to the PA Fall Foliage View.
We hustled a little bit more than usual today. We got a late start, and it starts to get dark around 6:30 pm now, so we didn't want to be caught in the dark. I think we timed it just right today though. There were some great views right before our rendezvous point. We met several very nice Amish families out enjoying the view, and a family from Eastern Europe who apparently thought I was so cool (or so crazy) for walking 1,100+ miles that they wanted their picture taken with me. It wasn't hard to see why that spot, at that time of day, was so popular. We hit the overlook by the road just as the sun started to set, so the light on the fall leaves was perfect.
Just Right
Mileage Update:
Miles from Springer: 1,184
Miles from Katahdin: 994
Loved the photo of the old railroad bridge.