TranzAlpine Train
Nice Ride
We ended our train adventure at Arthur's Pass, which is the highest road in New Zealand. We could see the old stagecoach routes as we wound our way down the mountainside in our huge bus. I don't even want to think about what traveling through here back then would've been like. From the comfort of our expertly driven bus, it was an amazing drive down to our pit stop in Hokitika, which is where lots of the famous New Zealand ponamou, or greenstone, or jade, is found and crafted into jewelry. I came to New Zealand with ponamou on my mind, so I acquired one three weeks ago at the beginning of my adventure. Mine is a koru, or spiral, derived from the fern buds that thrive in the native forests here, and in Maori mythos, is symbolizes new beginnings. Other significant shapes include the fishhook, which symbolizes strength and safety, particularly when traveling over water, and the kumara, or triple twist, which, fashioned after the sweet potato vine and root, symbolizes friendship and the joining of two lives together as one. Hokitika was a great place to learn more about this New Zealand tradition.
Jade Workshop
After Hokitika, we continued on to Franz Josef. We got there rather late in the day, and were leaving at 8:00am the next morning, so we didn't get a chance to go up on the glacier this time. We did get to see it, and it was a much clearer day than the day we were here before, so still beautiful. We enjoyed the sights and the quaint town and rested up. A long but good day of traveling.

Not melted yet
Hi sweetie, you may get tired of messages from Grandma but I feel like I am with you all the way its beautiful, be you