Today, after two days of driving, we made it back to New Jersey, where we last left our intrepid hero, the Appalachian Trail, for another month of hiking. It's a little funny, because it's been almost exactly six months since we were last here, and yet it feels like very little has changed. It's still chilly, even though it's trying to warm up instead of cool down, like it was in October. The trees are mostly barren, but just now trying to come to life for spring. In October, the were almost finished with their fall color changes. Even without Nano, time marches on on the AT. I've really enjoyed the other adventures I've been on for the past six months, including but not limited to (for those of you who haven't kept up), spending over a month in New Zealand (see previous posts for more details/photos) and getting accepted to medical school, which starts in August (go CATS!). Despite all these adventures, there was a certain anticipation surrounding coming back to the AT. Not a "knots-in-your-stomach-heart-pounding-adventure" anticipation, but the anticipation that comes with seeing an old friend, or finding yourself with a rare opportunity to complete serious unfinished business.
A fickle mistress, the AT greeted my return with swampy footpaths...

We hiked about 11 miles today. It was cloudy and chilly for most of the day, but keeping moving helped us to stay both warm and motivated. A big rainstorm was supposed to blow in on top of us, but we managed to finish our hike for the day before we got wet. Divine intervention for our AT return.
Some parts even turned out to be downright pretty, despite the forecast.

We finished our hike in time to go scout out the area for our next few days of hiking. Unfortunately, for this round, it's just me and Amicus (which is Daddy's trail name, for those of you who forgot...it means "friend"). Our Trail Angel has lots going on at home right now, and a friend who needs her more than we do. All the same, we love and miss our Trail Angel very much, and we think about her all the time. The AT isn't the same without her. Amicus and I are going to try to make do on our own, leap frogging between pickup points with the RV and the Jeep. We'll see how that goes. It was a good day for a hike, even if it was in New Jersey, and a 10+ mile day isn't a bad way to start out. It's good to be back.
Glad to see you made it safely to your pickup point. Elaine says hey and for me to be sure and let you know she spotted your new posting first.