Paper Factory in Dalton, MA. Apparently this is where the paper for US currency is made. |
Today was another beautiful day on the AT. We hiked about 11 miles today, all of it in the shade of the woods. It was about 80 degrees again. Another perfect hiking day. This day was a great one because it was full of treats. Before we started our hike, we visited the home of "The Cookie Lady," who lives about 100 yards from the AT. She and her husband have been serving homemade cookies to weary hikers for 30 years. Last year, they said they dished out over 1,500 cookies. They also give out water and provide a yard for camping for those that need it. Thats some serious Trail Magic right there.
Trail Angel and Nano at the Cookie Lady's house. |
Over the course of our 11 mile hike, we got to enjoy our first panoramic view of this section. Since the hiking yesterday (and most of today) was in the thick woods, it was so nice to turn the corner and walk out to open sky.
Enjoying the view. |
We also passed a particularly interesting area that had been completely destroyed by beavers. All of the trees within about 30 square yards (that we could see) had been completely chewed up and bore the distinctive marks of beaver teeth. We climbed a couple of small hills and passed through some swampy ground, grabbing lunch on a rock in the middle of the woods. Part of our hike today passed right through one of the small local towns, and Trail Angel met us and walked with us for a bit. That was a treat too. To top it all off, we got to go have some tasty Italian food and see "A Chorus Line" at the local theater. True trail treats indeed.
Sea of ferns. |
"some tasty Italian food and see 'A Chorus Line' at the local theater" Sounds like you're not roughing it too hard. Glad Trail Angle is taking good care you, glad the blogger is blogging and glad Amicus is snapping some good shots. Onward trail warriors!