Today was one of our most efficient days yet. We hiked about 9 miles in under 5 hours, and even though the terrain was considerably easier than it has been for the past week or so, I was very proud of that progress. That's a pretty impressive pace for me and my short little legs. We traded the amazing views we've been having lately for lower elevation and an easier hike, but the all the rain we've been having lately has really brought out the exotic in these humble North Carolina backwoods.
We met Tate and Uncle Don, two fellow thru hikers today. They are serious about this hiking thing (Uncle Don has even thru-hiked the Continental Divide Trail. Look it up. It's completely intimidating), and were really booking it along the trail. They were very nice, and we were so happy we had the opportunity to help them out when it turned out they were one day short in their food supply. Providing "trail magic" is lots of fun, especially for such genuine people. Uncle Don and Tate, I hope we see you in Maine. It was a pleasure. As far as our own hiking goes, I was really happy about our efficiency, because the whole field-full of Civil War enthusiasts who rolled into town yesterday were planning on battling it out this afternoon, and I didn't want to miss that. When we got back to Hot Springs, the Stars and Bars were parading down the street preparing to do bloody battle with the Yanks on the other side of the field. There were horses, cannons and muzzle-loaders (in full working order, by the way), old fashioned food and people in period clothing. I've never seen anything like it honestly, and it sure was lots of fun.

Got to end the day with one last soak in the famous mineral water. I even got a bottle of it to take home and put in the fridge for drinking, although I'm a little scared to try it, what with all those extra goodies floating around in it. But hey, maybe it's really good for me. A nice dinner at a restaurant, complete with live bluegrass music couldn't really beat the Indian Fry Bread I had at the Civil War reenactment. I think I could just stay here in this tiny little town and have a mineral bath and watch Civil War nerds for weeks. But that would make for a pretty pointless hiking blog, now wouldn't it?

Quote of the Day: "No resting, we have a war to fight!" - Daddy while we were hiking and hoping to get back for the reenactment.
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