Today was about a 9.5 mile hike that we finished in just over 5 hours. The guidebooks have this section rated as "moderate" but that is all lies. There were plenty of steep climbs to tackle today, and it definitely got my blood pumping. I can't decide what's worse: a very, very steep climb that only lasts for a few tenths of a mile, or a tortuously gradual climb that seems to tease you with it's "gentle incline" and goes on for miles. I hiked both today, and both were equally painful. There were some beautiful things to see, as always though, and it was another beautiful day to be out.
Top of the big climb of the day.

Did I get your attention with the title of this post? Thought so. I wasn't just teasing, either. Today is, indeed, International Hike Naked Day, during which outdoor enthusiasts and those who have no problem with public nudity are supposed to gallivant about the wilderness in nothing but their birthday suits. I wish I had some hilarious pictures and stories, but alas, I neither participated in IHND nor encountered anyone who was. Maybe it's a bigger deal up North?
Here is a question for you. Why did you decide to hike the AT? Why the passion?