Pennsylvania...where they bail their hay like cotton. Weirdos.

Stacked Rocks

Rocks on the sides of hills

Rocks on the top of hills
It seemed like every step we took today was over, on, next to or around a rock. Big rocks, little rocks, rocks that slide when you step on them, rocks that are too big to get across in one step, and rocks you have to use your hands to climb. All kids of rocks. My knees are still hurting from negotiating all those rocks. When I say a little boy about 8 years old with a pack twice the size of mine climbing a rockpile I was trying to climb down without complaint, I felt pathetic for even thinking about complaining. Maybe if I was 8 years old and more flexible it would've been easier. Even though it was some difficult walking, it was still pretty. The Pennsylvania woods are putting on their fall clothes and I love seeing the colors change. We also had a good view or two of the Susquehanna River. We made it to Duncannon, Pennsylvania in about 7 hours. Duncannon is a small Pennsylvania town that has quite a bit of AT hiker legend around it. In particular, lots of AT through hikers have told stories about the supposedly haunted Doyle Hotel and the hiker's toenail that resides in a dresser drawer in one of the rooms there. Trail Angel Mamma found it before she picked us up, and we walked by it on our way to the car. Trail Angel said a bat flew after her when she walked around in this afternoon. I was content to get my picture taken on the sidewalk and move on. After having some "Bunny Burgers" (made of beef, not bunny) at a local drive in, buying some homemade goodies from an Amish man and trying and failing to finish a huge bowl of Moose Tracks ice cream from the most generous general store I've ever been to, I was done for the day. I am legitimately tired. But I think that probably means I'm doing something right.

Unlike the Doyle Hotel, where the only thing they do right is creepy.
PS - It's interview time again, so don't be surprised if it's a little while between posts.
Mileage Update:
Miles from Springer: 1,138
Miles from Katahdin: 1,040