AT "Halfway" Museum at Pine Grove Furnace

Trail or Rockpile? Your guess is as good as mine here.
There weren't any views or other hikers to see today, but there were lots of critters.
...and Mr. Snake (don't worry, it's a black racer. Harmless.)
There was also leftover pizza from dinner last night for lunch at the top of the hill. Amazingly, cold pizza keeps quite well in a tupperware in a backpack while hiking. A little tip for any aspiring backpackers who also have an affinity for greasy Italian food. It rained for the last 3 miles of our hike, but not very hard. We only got a little wet and dirty. It could always be worse. Besides, we were inspired by a fellow walking through Pine Grove Furnace today, who has clearly found an excellent way to motivate himself when he gets grumpy and wishes he could quit.
New Form of Hiker Motivation: Kick yourself all the way to Maine.
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