Farewell breakfast with Hooter.
We said goodbye to our friend Hooter this morning, and hello to a really long day. Hooter must have some special karma, because whenever he's around things are perfect and easy, and as soon as he leaves, things get tougher. The day began with a move. We stopped at a farmer's market while we hauled base camp a little further north and got some homegrown produce, including some Paw-Paws. I've lived in the South my whole life, and I had no idea what a Paw-Paw was until this week. They look like bright green potatoes and feel and smell like extra-ripe peaches. I haven't tasted one yet, but I'm excited to see how that goes. They're a delicacy around these parts. Once we got relocated and hit the trail, it was well into the afternoon. But the ol' AT was ready and waiting. We went a little over 7 miles total, and the first few miles were relatively benign, but the last three were pretty tough. The name of the trail section should've been a warning.

WARNING HIKERS: You are about to enter the ROLLER COASTER!
The "Roller Coaster" is a 13 mile section of tightly packed, steep ascents and descents, so I suppose it is aptly named. We only did three miles of it today, and it was definitely difficult. Good thing I like roller coasters.
Climbing the "Coaster"
We finished the hike, scouted out some future pickup spots, and had some red meat and farmer's market veggies for dinner. We were sad to lose our company today, and we hope Hooter will come back soon. Maybe we can find some real hills to climb by then. Or roller coasters. You never know what the AT will throw at you.
Life's a ride. Keeping your hands and arms inside the vehicle optional.
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