Monday, June 24, 2013

Hanging out at the Hike-In - June 23

Your Friendly Neighborhood Trail Salamander

Today's hiking (about 10 miles) was relatively uneventful.  There were no panoramic vistas or large mountains to climb.  It was all hiking in the woods on a very soggy trail (it had rained the night before).  All of the forests here are remarkably green - think Crayola Green - and it makes me smile to see a piece of nature that is so obviously thriving and doing well.  There was a road about halfway into our hike today and Trail Angel met us there and brought us lunch, so we got to have cold drinks and chicken salad during our hike, which was so special.  However, the real highlight of the day, or rather, the previous evening, was the place we spent the night before hiking today.  We stayed in one of only two motels in the entire country that has a Drive-In movie theater in the backyard.  There was even a speaker in our room, so we could sit in our beds and watch the show on the Drive-In screen.  It was, quite possibly, one of the coolest things I have ever seen.  I had no idea we were staying in such a glorious establishment until we pulled in the parking lot in the early afternoon, and I spent the rest of the day barely able to contain my excitement at being able to watch a Drive-In movie from my motel bed.  When darkness fell, we all gathered around the window with our pie and ice cream and were treated to a double feature of WWZ and the new Superman movie (though I fell asleep with 30 minutes left of Superman and am still antsy to find out how it ends - a hazard of watching a Drive-In movie in bed rather than car).  I had never heard of a motel-Drive In combo before, and it is not something I will soon forget.  I was still talking about it while we hiked the next day.    

 Eating breakfast in the room with a view of the Drive-In

Overall, I was thankful for an easier day of hiking, since tomorrow we will have our first taste of the infamous White Mountains of New Hampshire.  I can't wait to see what they have in store for us.  

 NH Frog Pond

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