Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rivers and Streams

All aboard the AT train!

I am very happy to report that my hiatus from hiking to take care of my health and my future medical education is over. We left the big city after my MCAT on Thursday morning, which I am very glad to have behind me. I also officially submitted my initial application to medical school this week, so I suppose this means it's real now. Luckily, there's a bit of a waiting period to get through before I have to start filling out secondary applications, so I can focus on my adventure for a few weeks. Over the past two days, we've hiked about 21 miles, 12 on Friday and 9 today. The 12 miles on Friday was some of the easiest terrain I've seen so far, and we hiked the whole 12 in less than 6 hours, which is quite an accomplishment for these little short legs. Today was more difficult, with some steep climbs and rocky sections. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous. To add to the visual delights, most of this section of the trail seemed to involve hiking along streams and rivers. Not only is it a gorgeous sight to walk along a bubbly mountain stream, but the water cools off the air around it, making the whole experience more pleasant in this June heat.

Mountain Stream and footbridge.

Nolichucky River, bird's eye view.

Nolichucky River, up close and personal.

Overall, great days to be out on the trail. Friday was another day that we hiked the entire day without seeing anyone else. Creepy but a pretty awesome, powerful feeling as well. Saturday, we got a late start because we stopped to join the citizens of this tiny TN town as they lined the interstate to honor the first of their own, a 24 year old young man, to be killed in the war in the Middle East. There were cars and people lining the roads for miles, most of them bearing American flags, and the funeral procession was dozens of vehicles long. This show of support for a fallen soldier was an incredibly moving sight. Prayers to the family of this young man, who gave his life for his country. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.

We finished our hiking goal today in time to have a delicious meal at the Hawg-n-Dawg (yes, they sell BBQ and hot dogs...I actually had the BBQ hot dog, which was amazing) and catch "The A-Team" at the local theater. Can't ask for a much better day than that.

Tower of peanut butter and ice cream. Best end to a day of hiking ever.

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