Saturday, May 7, 2011

Spring is Setting In...

Things are really starting to green up on the Trail...

Yesterday, we hiked about 10 miles. It was an absolutely incredible day. I know I've said that a lot lately, but it seems like things just keep getting prettier and prettier out here. I think it's because everything is turning so green, and green is my absolute favorite color. The whole world looks fresh. I love spring. The first few miles of our hike were pretty difficult. Up a long rocky climb, then plummeting down the other side. The views at the top were great, and we sat and enjoyed them for quite a bit while we ate the piping hot, fresh pancakes with maple syrup that Amicus insisted he packed for us. Which tasted suspiciously like PB & J sandwich, but were delicious nonetheless. The backside of the hill was brutal. It was a near vertical drop, broken up by jagged rocks. I fell and bruised my left knee. It was very slow going, especially for little Nano with her Nano legs.
Easing down the rocks...

At the bottom of the hill, the second half of our hike awaited us. Over 4 miles of nearly flat riverside hiking. You rarely ever get truly flat Trail out here, so this was a real treat. Rather than concentrate on every single step you take, keeping your eyes fixed on the 5 feet of Trail in front of you so you don't fall down and break something, you get to let your mind wander just a bit. You get a chance to look around and really take in your surroundings. And on a day like yesterday, absorbing the springtime was truly welcome. At the end of the day, my legs were a bit sore from working so hard to walk down the steep rocks (as opposed to just ball up and roll down them), but I was a little sad to get in the car. Yesterday was one of those days that makes falling down, or being tired, or getting caught in the rain last week totally, completely, and undeniably worth it.

Watching Earth revive itself...priceless.

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